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How to become a guru in 30 days minutes

In the recent past I have observed quite a few gurus and experts springing up from all over the place. A closer scrutiny revealed some great insights. Based on our insights we are going to make you an expert in animal psychology.

1) Google for animal psychology.
2) Read at least 5 sites that the search threw out
3) Blog about it and sound like you have been an animal psychologist for 150 years
4) Blog about it again.
5) Blog again.
6) Voila! You are the latest addition to the experts on animal psychology!

Wasn't that cool?
You can become an expert in any field or area you want; in as many areas as you want!!. Think about it... Expert on blogging, atomic energy, vasectomy, astro-physics, ophthalmology, f*** is that cool or what. And hey, mumble a prayer to the lord when you go to bed and ask him to keep Google hale and healthy forever. How else can we create experts out of dumb asses?

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